Thursday, October 26, 2017

Extra Life D&D Game (Part I)

NOTE: This event has long since passed, but feel free to give to Extra Life at any time of the year I suppose.    

I’ll be running a pickup game of Dungeons and Dragons at one of my FLGS on Saturday November 3rd in support of Extra Life. Extra Life is a charity that raises funds for children’s hospitals around the world by having gamers do what they love to do in exchange for pledges and donations. Some people do a 24 hour marathon, but I’m just doing several gaming events over the course of the weekend in a non-contiguous block. For my Dungeons & Dragons game I’ll be rolling up 6 pre-generated characters and running the group through a short adventure with a “For the Children!” theme. The party will be investigating the ruins under an old, collapsed wizard’s tower as it might be the source of an evil creeping across the land (save versus cliché!) As I was planning out the adventure and the characters- I thought maybe some folk would like to collaborate and give some $ to a good cause.

If you would like to make a $2 donation, you can get the right to name some people, places, and things in this upcoming 4 hour game session for charity. A complete list of things that need named will be below, and I will be taking your input from the comments on my donation page

If you want to name any of the following things, just head on over to, give, and comment with your suggestion (please no profanity or wildly inappropriate material since I’m playing in public and with potential strangers):

  • Name and race of a mayor of a small, frontier town- and the name of the town itself. 
  • Name of a group of goblins that live in the nearby woods- and their distinguishing feature (i.e. facial tattoo, color of neckerchief, etc.) 
  • Names and races of an evil wizard and a good wizard (both presumably deceased). 
  • The name of a 3rd level human fighter that specializes in great weapon- and the name of his/her heavy, two-handed weapon. 
  • The name of a 3rd level high elf wizard (conjurer).
  • The name a 3rd level Halfling rogue.
  • The name of a 3rd level dwarf cleric of Life.
  • The name of a 3rd level wood elf fighter.
  • The name of a 3rd level human ranger and the names of his/her signature two weapons.
  • The name of this group of adventurers (I hope to have somewhere between 3-6 PCs).
You can read more about this in my next post here.